Monday, June 3, 2019

Sunday June 2, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 02JUN19

Saturday June 1, 2019

Blog started at 1445, sitting in office.

We had some big thunder storms roll through last night.  Ms P could not sleep so we put her on our bed.  It must be her age but she does not act as crazy now during a storm as she did several years ago.

We all slept in until 0700.  The rain had stopped so we walked to Panera for breakfast.  Temp was 58.

Every Saturday we see the same folks at Panera.  In fact several commented that they missed us last week.

I had an oatmeal breakfast and Nancy had coffee.  We noted rain clouds moving in as we walked home.

Nancy started the laundry and I jumped on my bike and took a scenic 10 mile ride.  It started to rain as I was pulling into the drive.  Good timing.

Blog update resumes Monday Jun 3

One of the problems with not writing the blog on the designated day is that I have trouble remembering overnight what happened yesterday.  

A Contractor once told me his biggest complaint was employees who could not remember overnight.  If they could remember he made them foreman.

After my Saturday bike ride I shaved and showered.

Rest of Saturday’s activities;

Apple snack
Dinner was bean soup.
After dinner snacks
Watched some streaming TV.
Debbie FaceTimed us tonight and we got caught up.

It was raining when I took Ms P out at 2200.  I am so tired of rain.

Sunday June 2

Up at 0615.  Nancy and I took our Sunday walk around the block (1.25 m).  Breakfast and then I made a quick run to Panera for a coffee.

Read several sections of the GRP before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was crowded this morning.

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.98 per gallon today.
Before lunch I wrote the monthly note to Grandkids.  Of course after lunch I took my mandatory nap.

Fixed our afternoon apple snack.

Took a short bike ride.  Stopped at mailbox to send Grandkids note.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie and some fresh pineapple.

Finished the GRP.  60 Minutes was reruns so we switched to Netflix and watched a British crime show.  Also watched some of the NBA finals.  

Finally some good news on the weather front.  Bright sun tomorrow.


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