Friday, June 7, 2019

Thursday June 6, 2019

Thursday June 6, 2019

75th Anniversary of invasion of Europe, D Day.

Blog time 1125 at Panera.

Despite having the bedroom slider open all night I got very warm last night.  Was even thinking of turning on AC.

Ms P got me up at 0620.  Nancy called early and said she will not be released until this afternoon.

Breakfast and then I took the short bike route to Y.  School is out so a lot of high school kids working out.

Finished blog at Panera and read some news before heading home.  Shaved and showered before lunch.

Picked up the house before heading to the hospital at 1400.  Nancy was still in limbo when I arrived.  She desperately did not want to spend another night in the hospital.  However, about 1600 everything came into place.  They successfully insert a tube into an artery so she can daily insert some antibodies.  The device will remain in her arm for at least a month.  Tomorrow a nurse will stop by and give Nancy instructions on how to use the device.

Finally after a long discharge procedure we left St Mary’s about 1730.  Nancy was happy to be home.  Ms P gave her a big welcome.

Nancy had Mac& cheese for dinner.  I had two tamales.  We watched the news.  I found time for a short walk.

The girls talked to Nancy today.  Face time is great

Tonight we watched an episode of Scott & Bailey followed by The Planet.  We had to stay up because the hospital is delivering medicine about 2200.  They arrived on time.  Quite a day in the lives of Nancy and Bob.

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