Saturday, June 15, 2019

Friday June 14, 2019

Friday June 14, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Woke up at 0630 with sun streaming through window.  Looks like a great day ahead.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  She was in the process of setting up her medicine delivery system.  She was done before I had finished breakfast.

Breakfast and then took the 7 mile route to Y.  I try to bike safely but this morning I got a scare.  I was crossing Burton Road with a Green Light when a right turning pickup nearly hit me.  I had the right-of-way but he did not slow down.  Another reminder to be careful crossing heavily traveled roads even if you have a green light.

Good grief June 14 already, the month is half over.  Slow down, June is my favorite month.

This and that;

Toronto wins NBA.  My first choice.

Who mined the oil tankers ?

Facebook is going to offer a bitcoin?  I really don’t understand this currency.

Michigan is in the College World Series.  I think first time since 62.

Kim cleaned today and the house looks great.  Just in time for Akerke and Missy’s visit.

Lunch and then we made a quick trip to Trader Joe’s to buy a bottle of wine.  We will take the wine with us when we have lunch on Sunday at Moleski’s.

Rest of day’s activities;

Apple snack
Short walk
Dinner, stout pie with corn for me and light dinner for Nancy.
After dinner cheese snack for Nancy and two oatmeal cookies for me.
Watched news and then Wycliffe on Acorn and I watched the Belgium crime show on Netflix.

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