Monday, May 27, 2019

Sunday May 26, 2019

Sunday May 26, 2019

Blog time 1734 sitting outside on Deck.

We slept in this morning.  No morning walk because I still am wobbly.  Nancy’s foot is swollen making walking difficult.  We are the walking wounded.

The temperature was in the high 50s with showers expected later.  I had a quick breakfast and read several sections of the GRP before heading to Trinity Lutheran in the rain.  

As one might expect we had a small crowd at church.  We noted a small crowd at Meijer’s also.  Gas today was $2.99.

I had my standard yogurt and cheese lunch.  On Sunday I don’t have a hard boiled eggs because tonight we are having Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs.

Activities today;

Ironed two pair of pants

Took a nap

Watched the last 10 laps of Indianapolis 500.

Fixed apple snack

Read Sunday paper edition of GRP

Fixed after dinner snacks

As mentioned earlier Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also spinach pie and fruit.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight. We got caught up.  Lately it has been warmer in GR than LA.

60 Minutes was a rerun so we watched Wycliffe followed by Black Widows.  Tomorrow should be another warm day.  The warmer weather has meant we can shut down the furnace.

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