Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday January 31, 2019

Thursday January 31, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Last night at 0200 looked out and saw a single deer eating the corn.  On these super cold days where do deer find a warm spot to sleep?

The cold continues, it was -9 this morning with wind chill at -27.  Light snow last night so I shoveled our walk.

MVP did not open until 0800 today.  Nancy got an email saying swim classes were canceled.  She called about lap swimming and was told lap swimming was ok.  She grabbed her suit and headed out.  No matter how warm the pool, swimming when the outdoor temperature is below 0 is not for me.  Brr.

The Y is closed today.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then drove to Panera.    

Spent time finishing yesterday’s blog.  I decided that in the future I will finish my daily blogs before going to bed.  No more carryovers.

At home I rowed 2K, showered and had lunch.  This afternoon Nancy and I drove to Woodland Mall.  The Mall was closed except for Macy’s.  We made a quick tour of Macy’s but purchased nothing.  

No mail today because of the weather.  First time in my lifetime that the mail was not delivered.  Are we becoming a nation of wimps with all the weather related closures?

I put out corn for the deer.  Tonight drove to Shepard’s Grill for dinner.  I had a Lake Perch sandwich and Nancy had a bowl bean soup.  Good food.

Tonight we watched Agatha Raisin before turning in.  It was -3 at 2200. 

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