Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wednesday January 23, 2019

Wednesday January 23, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

We got about two inches of snow over night.  The temperature was 33 with a light rain.  Our drive and walk were shoveled early this morning.  I salted the walk.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did calisthenics at 50% before walking to Panera.  I was smart enough to put on my rain coat because it started to rain hard during the walk.  For breakfast I had my standard oatmeal, banana, coffee and bagel. 

This and that from the news;

Finally the LA teacher’s strike is over.  Smaller class rooms was a big winner for parents.  Granddaughter Akerke will be back in the class room today.  Good news.

Medicare for all seems to be the next big issue for Dems.  Will I see this happen in my lifetime?  Maybe.

Another big question will I own a self driving car?

Senate will vote on plan on reopening Gov today.  Folk in the know say it will not pass.  Why vote?

Last night’s snow knocked out our Direct TV.  I will have to get a broom and clean the dish off.

The township had just finished plowing the walks when I left Panera.  Much safer on a sidewalk than the road.

At home I picked up several eaten corn cobs and put them in the trash.  Showered and then had lunch.  Like on all easy Wednesday I did laundry and took out trash and recyclables.  Of course I also took a nap.

The Gardens must be in their midwinter doldrums because Nancy did not have to work.  She spent a quiet afternoon at home.

Spent some time in the office this afternoon.  I think we have all our 1099 forms so next week we visit the tax folks.  

Put out corn for deer before dinner.  Tonight we attended a class at Trinity on finding the Historical Jesus.  This was session 9 of a 20 session class.  Pastor Bob was great in his comments on the lecturer.  Good class.

At home I poured a glass of wine and sat down for some Apple TV streaming.  We watched an episode of Call the Midwife.  Good show.

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