Monday, January 7, 2019

Sunday January 6, 2019

Sunday January 6, 2019

Blog time 0945 Monday the 7th at Panera

Sunday morning and the alarm goes off at 0615.  Outside the temperature was 32 with no wind.  

Nancy is still under the weather.  I took the walk around the block solo.  Got home before the sun had come up.

At home put my church clothes on and had a quick breakfast.  Headed to Panera for a coffee to take with me to church.  

This morning Trinity Lutheran had a good crowd.  I like the relaxed atmosphere of the Celebration service.  Most folks are in jeans and free coffee is available.  They also have a good band.   After church we stopped at Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.14 per gallon.  

Did some mild calisthenics before lunch.  Lunch and then read several sections of the GRP.    I did take a short nap.

I wrote my monthly note to the Grandkids.  Walked to the mailbox in bright sun to post the notes.  Just before sunset put out corn.  Several minutes later a single deer arrived.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie, bacon and a croissant.  Good Sunday evening meal.  This evening we watched two episodes of Scott & Bailey before turning in.  

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