Thursday, January 3, 2019

Wednesday January 2, 2019

Wednesday January 2, 2019

Blog time 1105 at Panera

Today is back to normal for most working folk.  I remember in grade school we would not have a break until Good Friday and then only Friday and Monday.  A long stretch without a break.

Breakfast Club Wednesday, so I get up with the alarm at 0515.  The temperature was 28 and would not get above 32 today.  Another gloomy winter day in GR.

Stopped at Panera for coffee to take with me to BC.  Before the meeting I always take a short walk.  It never fails but I see between one and three homeless men sleeping below a Old Kent Bldg grate.  They are all bundled up and sleeping on the hard concert.  It looks very cold and uncomfortable.  Why don’t they stay in one of several free shelters nearby?

Today our speaker was a fellow BC member.  He and his wife spend six months a year traveling around North America in a 22 foot long RV.  The RV has about 100 square feet of living space.  Photography is his hobby and he had some great photos of NA.  Very interesting talk.  I don’t think Nancy and I could survive six months together in a RV.

Drove straight home and changed into my bike clothes.  Took the short route to Panera.  Left for home at 1130.

Since we had two deer yesterday I set out six ears, three for each deer.  I have no idea what is appropriate.

Quick lunch and then we all got in the Escape and headed to the Gardens.  We were surprised by the very light traffic on the freeway.   Arrived early for Nancy’s shift.  

At home finished lunch and then started the laundry.  No trash today because the holiday delayed trash pickup by a day.

I took a short nap.  Ordered flowers for Hal Horlings.  At 1600 drove to the Gardens to pick up Nancy.  She was just walking out when pulled up, perfect timing.

Today is a two snack day.  An apple before dinner and cheese after dinner.  We consider these healthy snacks.

Light dinner and then the TV news.  For entertainment we watched an episode of The Romanoffs.  I did not like this episode.  It was snowing I took Ms P out at 2200.

This afternoon I am driving Nancy to her shift at Meijer’s Garden.  Because of the large expansion project the Gardens have taken several close parking lots out of service.  Nancy doesn’t like walking through the mud and construction debris to her work station.  I don’t blame her.

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