Friday, January 4, 2019

Thursday January 3, 2019

Thursday January 3, 2019

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Up at 0600, it had snowed about 1/2” overnight.  Temperature was 30 with a high today of 35.

Nancy headed out early for her first swim of 2019.  After breakfast I biked the short 5 mile route to the Y.  The sidewalks and bike path were snow covered but no problem with the steel studded snow tires.

I was surprised that I did not see many New Years resolution folks at the Y.  Normally all the gyms I have belonged to always had a large number of new folks at the start of the year.  It lasts about six weeks.

This and that;

I sure wish the geniuses in Congress would resolve their Homeland Security budget.  It can’t be that difficult.

This afternoon we are attending a visitation for Hal Horlings.

Boy am I out of the main stream!  Last week a UM Alumni forum had a comment from an alum that “UM has 82 full time diversity officers at a cost of over 10 million”.  The writer thought the money could be better spent.  I agreed, 82 seemed overkill.  A large number of folks disagreed and said the money was well spent.

The weather folks say we will have a January thaw this week.  How can we have a thaw when the temperature has never reached the teens this year?

At home put out corn for deer before lunch.  Quick lunch and a shower.  

We left for the funeral home at 1600.  We had the opportunity to meet with both Hal and Karen’s family.  A sad day but everyone seems to be holding up.

Stopped at Meijer’s to pick up a prescription for Ms P.  Yes a prescription for a dog.  My Grandparents would be surprised how we pamper our pets.  Also bought some cole slaw for dinner.

We had our apple snack and then I a short walk.  For dinner Nancy fixed bean soup.  I had mine with cole slaw and a croissant.

Tonight we watched another episode of Wanted.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched a new German Cop show on Netflix.

It was a pleasant 32 at bed time.  The weather folks say two nice sunny days coming up.

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