Friday, January 25, 2019

Thursday January 24, 2019

Thursday January 24, 2019

Blog time 1134 at Panera

The temperature was 27 this morning and will drop all day.  Snow will start near noon and continue until mid morning tomorrow.

Nancy headed to her Thursday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I walked to the Y.  The walks were icy but several large parking lots on my route were ice free.  It is 1.75 miles from the condo to Y.  

Calisthenics and then a 2K row.  Showered and walked to Panera.

At Panera followed by daily routine.  Checked email, read Alpena News, WSJ, and all the news app on my iPad.  Either the media has taken a hiatus or I have. I found nothing I would comment on.  Midwinter blahs?

After lunch we ran errands.  First stop Harvest Breads where Nancy bought a loaf of whole wheat bread.  She loves this bread.

Next stop was Trader Joe’s.  As always the place was crowded.  Bought wine, Shepard’s Pie, Mac and Cheese and dog food.

Took a nap as soon as we got home.  All the walking in the cold wiped me out.  

Finished the afternoon in the office doing odds and ends.  For dinner Nancy cooked a pot roast and potatoes in her super duper insta pot.  Good meal.

Today we did not have our apple snack.  An oversight on my part.

Same two deer showed up today to eat the six ears of corn I put out.  They must be having a hard time finding food with five inches of snow on the ground.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Jack Ryan on Prime.  We wanted to watch the new season of Shetland but were told we had to have the new BBC streaming service.  We might cancel Acorn and add the BBC service.

Finished the evening watching Rake.  It was still snowing when took Ms P out at 2200.  I shoveled the walk.  The temperature was in low 20s.  


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