Monday, January 7, 2019

Saturday January 5, 2019

Saturday January 5, 2019

Blog time 1415 sitting in sunny living room.

Ms P woke me at 0620.  We headed outside.  The temperature was 28.  

Saturday morning so we walked to Panera.  No wind so the walk was very pleasant.  Nancy had her hazelnut coffee and I had my oatmeal with a bagel, coffee and a banana.  We walked home in bright sun.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I took down the outside Christmas lights that were on our deck railing.  The sun was bright and the temperature was raising so I took an 11 mile ride.  At the end of the ride I stopped at Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  

As soon as I got home put out corn for deer.  After lunch I took three pair of good wool pants to Mr Thang to get the waist taken out.  I was too optimistic three years ago when I had the big weight loss.  Some Pounds are creeping back.  Also stopped at Woodland Mall and bought a pair of wool lined shoes.  Found time to take a short nap.

Checked on my corn early this afternoon and it was gone.  Some critter in broad daylight is taking the corn.  I don’t think it is squirrels but maybe a raccoon or fox.  If it is a raccoon I will stop putting out corn.  Raccoons are very destructive and don’t want them near the condo.
Put out more corn near sundown.  Two deer arrived soon after and finished the corn.  Maybe I can solve my missing corn problem by putting the corn out just before sunset.

Nancy fixed a great hamburger for dinner.  Also had a piece of yesterday’s pizza.  

This evening we watched a netflix show, Fauda.  Missy had recommended this show.  The jury is still out.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up.  Debbie said San Jose was getting a lot of rain.  California needs rain but it always seems too fast and furious.  

Nancy headed to bed and I watched Dogs of Berlin before retiring.  The warm weather will continue tomorrow.

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