Monday, January 14, 2019

Sunday January 13, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 13JAN19

Blog time 1700 Sunday sitting in den

Great weekend weather wise.  The morning temperatures were in low 20s and afternoon temps near 30 but never above freezing.  Sunday was a great sunny day.

Saturday January 12, we were up at 0700.  Walked to Panera for our oatmeal and coffee breakfast.  

Panera was empty when we arrived but soon filled up.  We think indoor youth soccer is starting at MVP which is located near Panera.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took an eleven mile bike ride.  Took my winter bike but it was not needed because all the paths were free of snow or ice.

Spent time in office before taking a nap.  This evening we picked up our old neighbor, Sonya.  We had dinner this evening at Shiraz, a Persian restaurant.  Nancy and I had their lamb shanks and Sonya a Persian chicken dish.  We all thought the food was great.

Got home before 2000.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up.  

California has been having a lot of rain lately.  Sure hope they can get their water retention basins filled.  
Watched an episode of “The Five” before turning in.  

Sunday January 13, we got up with the alarm, 0615.  It was cold 20 but little wind.  We took our 1.25 mile walk around the block in complete darkness.  

After breakfast I made quick trip to Panera to grab a coffee to take with me to church.  We always arrive early so I can get another coffee.  This morning they had some home made pastries.  Nancy indulged. 

Church was very crowded this morning.  Today they mentioned a Lutheran Church in Alpena.  I checked on Apple maps and the Church is several blocks from my boyhood home.  It was not there when I was growing up.  It might be on the site of the old AHS.

We stopped at Meijer’s on our way home.  Gas today was $2.25 per gallon.

I did some calisthenics before lunch.  Read several sections of the GRP before my nap.  

After the nap prepared our apple snack.  Finished my outdoor activities with a walk.  Just after sundown I checked in the back yard and two deer were eating the corn.  I am always amazed that 2 blocks from the busiest urban street in MI that we have deer casually eating corn.

Nancy is fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had spinach pie, bacon and a baguette.  Great Sunday evening meal.

Eggs are a standard Sunday evening meal for the Scott family.  I fondly remember the family getting in the Pontiac and driving to my Grandparent’s farm at Hubbard Lake.  We always stayed for dinner.  We had fresh homemade bread, soft boiled eggs that you would put in a special egg holder.  You would cut the top of the eggs off with a special tool and put in butter.  You used a small spoon the dig out the egg.  It was a great meal.  For dessert Grandfather would go to the root cellar and get canned fruit sauce.  Great memories.

Cheese snack before settling down to watch 60 Minutes.  Granddaughter Alessandra FaceTimed us this evening.  She gave us detailed info on what was happening with her family especially their holiday trip to London and Paris.

We finished the evening watching another episode of Brokenwood Mystery.  Cold but dry predicted for tomorrow.

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