Monday, January 21, 2019

Sunday January 20, 2019

Sunday January 20, 2019

Blog time 1715 sitting in den

The alarm went off at 0615.  The temperature was -3 when first went out.  Too cold for our Sunday walk around the block.  Big decision today whether to attend the 0800 or 0915 church service.  We decided on 0915 and returned to our warm bed.

A big mystery was solved today.  We wondered if our iPhones and Apple watches would show below zero numbers.  They did.

Church was not crowded this morning.  We think because the church is having their annual meeting and lunch at noon most folks will attend this event.  

Stopped at Meijer’s for our weekly supplies.   Meijer’s was crowded despite the below zero temps.  Purchased gas but forgot the price.  Only put 56 miles on the Escape this week. Really did not need gas but I wanted to top off the tank to prevent condensation on these cold nights.

At home I did my easy day calisthenics.  Lunch and then my nap.

I finished my outdoor activities with a 40 minute walk.  Despite the bright sun the wind chill was in single digits.  I wore many layers and was comfortable.
In my youth many homes use to put up a winter storm door enclosure.  This enclosure would extend out from the front door.  The enclosure was probably six foot square.  It would run from the porch floor to ceiling providing an air tight space.  The enclosure had a big storm door.  You passed through two doors to get inside.  It was very energy efficient because the enclosure prevented outside cold air entering the house.  I don’t see these enclosures anymore.

Finally the deer have left their warm, sheltered area and started eating our corn.  The good thing about having a snow cover is that it increases visibility immensely.  The deer were feeding two hours after sunset but we could still see them.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had spinach pie and bacon.

Because of the football game no 60 Minute tonight.  We watched an episode of The Five.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Dogs Of Berlin.  I watched the overtime for the NE vs KC game.  Don’t like the NFL overtime rules.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight tonight.  The LA schools have not settled their strike.  AJ will still go to school.  The school is staffed with adult aids to watch the kids.  With so many working single parents the schools still must provide day care.

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