Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday January 21, 2019

Monday January 21, 2019

Blog time 1030 at Panera

We woke up to the coldest day of the year.  It was -6 when first went out.  No bike or long walks today.

Nancy headed out to her exercise class at MVP.  Later she will take our neighbor Sonya to the doctor.  This afternoon we will make a trip to Costco to replenish supplies.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  Bundled up and walked to Panera.  Despite the -6 temp the sun was out nice and bright.  This time of year the sun does not have any warmth.

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Settled down and finished yesterday’s blog and read the news.

How about a quick news summary;

Today is a national holiday celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King.  He was a great leader because he achieved his goals peacefully.

BRexit is dominating the news in U.K.  Except of course Prince Phillip’s driving.

Our Federal Government is still shut down.  All the public sees are grandstanding politicians.   “All about me” seems to be every politicians cry.

With our politicians distracted will China and Russia sense an opening to advance their agenda?  I wonder are their disinformation folks behind all the viscous social media attacks in the US?

It was 12 degrees warmer when I headed home, -6 vs 6.  As soon as I got home I spent 10 minutes on the rowing machine.  I needed aerobic exercise.  My watch said my average heart rate during the row was 124.  Good enough for me.

Showered and then lunch.  Nancy is still involved with driving Sonya to her PT session so I head alone to Costco.  Cheerios, prunes, wine, fiber, mini naan and jerky for Ms P were purchased.

Other activities this afternoon;

Apple snack
Short walk
Put out corn for deer
Two deer showed up

We had a light dinner and then retired to den for some reading and TV.  Watched the news, NBC and PBS, and Jeopardy before watching an episode of Scott & Bailey.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched the final episode of The Dogs of Berlin.  This was a dark and violent show.  I would give it a B-.

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