Saturday, January 12, 2019

Friday January 11, 2019

Friday January 11, 2019

Started blog at 1135 while drinking coffee at Panera

Ms P has been sleeping in lately so we did not get up until 0630.  It was cold, 20, this morning but no wind.  No question today I take my bike.

Nancy headed to MVP and at noon today she has her book club.  Today Nancy is leading the discussion.  She really takes leading the discussion seriously.  She has spent hours taking notes and reading info on the author.  She has printed info on the dining room table.  It looks like she is writing a term paper.

The lack of wind made the bike ride to the Y tolerable.  Noted several class rooms were overcrowded.  I bet the Y wished they had made their class rooms bigger.  Pickle ball has become very popular.  I don’t think it is a sport for me.

Thoughts on Cold Fridays in high schools.

  On most cold Jan and Feb Fridays I would attend hockey practice.  Tommy Collins and I would walk the one mile to the rink.  The practice started about 1800 and end at 2000.  We would walk home, change clothes and then walk to the high school just in time for the dance after every home basketball game.  The dance was the big social event of the week.

I remember one very cold Friday in my senior year when I asked some girl if I could walk her home.  She said no it was too cold.  I heard on Monday morning that my Uncle Jim scolded my Dad for not allowing me to use the car.  My cousin Judy had told my Uncle that the girl wanted to walk home but it was much too cold.  After that the car was available for me.  Thanks Uncle Jim.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home.  Cleaned up the back yard of corn cobs before lunch.

Nancy said the discussion on her book was very spirited.  All her work must have been worth it.

One of our alarm system’s motion detectors has been sending signals that it’s battery is low.  We also got a call from the Alarm contractor saying either they would send a tech to change the battery or I could.  I was told that the only unique thing about the motion detector was it’s battery.    I took the detector apart and saw that the battery was a standard lithium 3V battery.  It was shorter than a normal battery.  I know that the Batteries+ Story would have the batteries in stock.

Headed out at 1500 for the store.  I did make a slight diversion to the O’Brien Funeral Home.  Joyce Elliot passed this week.  I knew Joyce’s husband Ray who was a fellow Civil Engineer.  I paid my respects to the family.

Batteries+ did have the battery I wanted.  I had to buy a 12 pack which set me back $33.  Since we have three motion detectors I decided to change the batteries in all three.

Today we did have our afternoon apple treat and Nancy’s after dinner cheese and pill treat.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed me Shepard’s Pie.  It was very good.

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of “The Marvelous Mrs Maisel”.  After Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched another “The Dogs of Berlin”.

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