Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Tuesday January 15, 2019

Tuesday January 15, 2019


Today is Debbie’s birthday.  I remember her birth well.  Being our first child we over planned.  Nancy had her bag packed for weeks.

On Friday Jan 14 Nancy called me at work and said the Doctor wanted her to check into Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, CA today.  

I headed home.  We checked in and Nancy got settled.  Since we did not have insurance I cashed a check at a local all night grocery to pay for the delivery.  The cost of delivery was about $100.  Debbie was born a little after midnight.  We were happy parents.  She was a joy.  Happy Birthday

The irony Debbie left CA when she was 1 and has lived in Ann Arbor,  Grand Rapids, Albion, Ann Arbor, Tokyo, Chicago and finally the Bay Area of Ca.  She now lives less than 30 miles from where she was born.

Today is Nancy’s swim day.  I took Ms P out and nearly fell.  Our walks and drive were covered with ice.  I told Nancy no swim today.  

I did my exercise routine at home today.  After breakfast I salted our walks and then walked to Panera.  I walked on the grass because the sidewalks were treacherous.

The weather must be keeping folks inside because Panera was empty.  All the area schools are closed.

Noted on walk home that none of the roads near our condo had been salted.  Looks like we will stay home all day.

Showered and then lunch.  After lunch I took a quick nap.  

Spent time in the office doing work on the family tree.  Both My Heritage and Ancestry sites have really increased their data bases.  Yesterday I looked at census data from 1910 and was able to get the name of my Great Uncle James McTavish.  James McTavish was my Grandmother Hughes brother.  He became estranged from Great Grandfather McTavish, left home and had no contact with the family.  Rumor has it that he was a Skipper on a Great Lakes boat.  My goal is to find information on him.

The neat thing about the My Heritage site is that if another party creates a family tree and there is a match they let me know.  I am amazed that as far back as the 1600s my info and the other family’s info agree.  They even have photos of grave stones dated before the Revolutionary War.

Late afternoon I put out corn and fixed our apple snack.  Just before dinner we looked out and two deer were feeding on the corn.

Nancy fixed bean soup for dinner.  A great meal for a winter’s night.  Fixed the cheese snack and then we FaceTimed Debbie.  We lucked out Debbie was stuck in traffic and had time to talk.  I reiterated my memories of her birth.  She was headed to dinner in Redwood City with several friends.  What goes around comes around.

Finished the evening watching the final episode of Wanted.  We liked this show.

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