Friday, January 18, 2019

Thursday January 17, 2019

Thursday January 17, 2019

Blog time 1145 at Panera

It was cold, 21, this morning but no snow overnight.  Nancy headed out early for her MVP swim.  Later she is having lunch with Mary Namey.

After breakfast I hop on the winter bike and take the short route to the Y.  The sidewalks and bike paths were 90% ice free.  Several ice patches in shady areas.  My steel studded tires worked well.

Both the Y and Panera were not crowded.  Most folks must be on a MWF schedule.  I read the news and found it depressing except for the Stock Market which must march to it own drummer.  

Our Federal Government is a joke.  We have no immigration or trade agreements and who can figure out our foreign policy.  Despite this the job market looks good especially for truck drivers.  Every truck I pass has a sign on the back saying we are hiring.  Yesterday I noted a big sign on the back of our garbage truck.

Shower, lunch and then began afternoon activities.  I continued tracing my family tree.  On Ancestry I noted that I had a lot of DNA matches.  My cousin Billy Hughes’s children all had their DNA done and they show up as second cousins.  Also showing up as second cousins are my cousin Judy Scott’s children.

I think I got a match with Robert Rayburn’s (the AHS and West Point graduate) children and grandchildren.  I will check further tomorrow.

We should get the results of daughter Melissa’s DNA any day now.  I look forward to her helping on my searches.

Nancy said she had a nice lunch at Schnitz Ada Grill.  They had a big lunch time crowd.

I took the Taurus and filled it up.  Gas was $2.14.  Stopped at Ace Hardware and bought a 20# bag of deicing salt.

Put out corn today.  We checked after sunset but saw no activity.  

For dinner we finished the bean soup and I also had a hot dog.  Speaking of hot dogs reminds me of the church  Father and Son dinners my Dad and I use to attend.  Often the main menu item was “beans and franks”.  Do churches still have Father and Son dinners?

We watched an episode of Scott & Bailey.  Nancy turned in and I watched The Dogs of Berlin.


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