Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Tuesday January 29, 2019

Tuesday January 29, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Snowing at 0630 with temperature at 12 with wind chill -1.  Our drive still has not been plowed.  I did note that the Road Commission had plowed Tahoe last night.

Nancy did not go swimming this morning.  She called Kim and told her to stay home because our drive was not plowed.  Parking on the street was dangerous because Tahoe was not plowed full width.

Like yesterday I did all my exercises at home.  Breakfast and then bundled up and walked to Panera.  I walked through several large parking lots on my way to Panera.  The blowing snow make it dangerous to walk in the roads.  The Township still has not plowed the sidewalks.

Panera was nearly empty.  I did hear several folks say they are going to move up their trip to southern climes.  The weather still dominates the news.

I appreciated having the wind at my back on the walk home.  The wind chill was still near 0.  Our drive still had not been plowed.  We have a foot of snow over the drive.

I shoveled our short walk several times today.  Blowing snow was the big problem.  I have shoveled a path in grass for Ms P to use.  She does use it.
As soon as I got home I rowed 2K and then showered.  Lunch and then a short nap.  This afternoon I prepared our apple snack.  Put out corn for the deer.  Had to scrape the snow off in several areas so the corn would not get buried.  

Nancy fixed some of her left over pot roast for dinner.  She also cooked several whole potatoes and a salad.  After dinner I fired up the dish washer.  Also prepared Nancy’s cheese and pill snack.

Tonight while watching Jeopardy I fell asleep.  Woke up at 0830.  We watched “The Five” tonight before turning in.

Today Nancy has not left the house.  She is getting cabin fever.  Looks like the weather tomorrow will be more severe than today.

Took Ms P out at 2200.  Our drive still has not been plowed.  It has snowed all day.

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