Thursday, January 10, 2019

Wednesday January 9, 2019

Wednesday January 9, 2019

Started blog at 1020 while drinking coffee at Panera

Slept in until 0630.  It was cold, 23, and very windy this morning.  The pooper scooper was frozen and I broke it while trying to open.

Nancy felt well enough this morning to head to MVP for a class.  She is also working at the Gardens this afternoon.  Later this evening we will attend another class at Trinity Lutheran.  Busy day for Nancy.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did modified calisthenics at home and then bundled up for my trip to Panera.  Wind chill was 10 so I decided to walk.  I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.

In past years during winter months I would walk to the Y.  For aerobics I would run a mile.  Now with my sore hip the 1.5 mile Y walk is too much.  Might have to drive.  For aerobics either rowing or a swim.

This morning I took some time reading my past blogs.  I concluded they were repetitious and boring!  Might have to change my format and shorten.

This and that:

Today is payday for Federal workers.  For many workers that are part of the shut down they will not receive a check.  Folks in the private sector experience lay offs occasionally.  All working folks should have a “Go to Hell Fund”.  The fund should contain 6 months salary in cash to carry them through a loss of work.  Who ever promised us a guaranteed job?

Deaths from cancers are way down.  Great news.  Medical advances and a big drop in smoking contributed to the drop.

BRexit! A day of reckoning is coming.

The Telegraph and WSJ have photos of the day sections.  I love looking at the photos.

Several personal habits that annoy me.

The clockwise thing.  When walking around the block I walk clockwise on even days and counterclockwise on odd days.  I apply shower spray starting with the north face and proceed clockwise.  On Sunday when exercising my head is pointing north.  On Monday I start moving clockwise with my head pointing east, Tuesday South etc.  Why?

I have been exercising most weekdays since 1953.  I do the same exercises, of course the number of repetitions has decreased with age.  For the past three years I have been recording my routine on my Apple Watch.  Every day I try to complete the exercise circle.  Who cares, I sure don’t and yet every day I record my activities.  Tomorrow I will try to wean me off this habit.

When buying lottery tickets I always buy on the 13th of the month.  Yet on a bike ride I can not end the ride if the speedometer ends in 13, like 8.13 miles.  Also I never put 13 gallons of gas in the tank.  If for some reason I get stuck at 13 and cannot reach 14  I spin around clockwise seven times to break the curse.  Weird!

After lunch activities included
Taking out trash
Doing a load of laundry
A nap

Nancy got home early from the Gardens.  The bad weather kept folks at home.

I prepared a late afternoon apple snack followed by putting out four cobs for the deer.  Light dinner and then at 1800 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for a class on “Finding the Historical Jesus”.  

Got home at 2000.  Tonight we watched an episode of Wanted.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched “The Dogs of Berlin”.

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