Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Tuesday January 9, 2019

Tuesday January 8, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Good grief it is January and yet the temp this morning was 38.  Today I will take my summer bike (Bad Boy).  Nancy is still recovering so no swim today.  She has lunch today with some friends from the Gardens.

After breakfast I hopped on the Bad Boy and took my summer 7 mile route to the Y.  

I still do not see any New Years resolution folks at the Y.  Maybe folks don’t make resolutions anymore?

Panera was also not very crowded.  I finished yesterdays blog and then started on the news.  

This and that:

Carbon emissions increased in USA despite a large number of coal plant being closed.  The experts blame it on the good economy.  How about all the forest fires?  

Yes Clemson won.  Most guys at the Y were glad.  MSU folks don’t like Alabama coach Sagan.

POTUS is giving a prime time speech tonight on the wall.  Why do we need that stupid wall?

Animals in the news.  Common birds in Europe are likely carriers of disease.  A lot of pigs in China are carrying swine flu.  A large number had to be destroyed.  This is bad news because of the popularity of pork during the Chinese New Year.

Before lunch I picked up corn cobs.  Later this afternoon I will put out new ones.  Shaved and showered and then lunch.

I spent most of the afternoon in my office.  I finally hung several Navy certificates that I framed several months ago.  Better late than never.  

Called an electrician to install our replacement ceiling light.  Also made an appointment with our Fidelity man to handle some money matters.

We put out suet for the birds.  Today I put out a new cake.    The suet attracts large song birds like Cardinals and Blue Birds.

At 1630 I put out corn.  Checked on the corn several times before dinner and the deer had not arrived.

Nancy fixed scalloped potatoes with ham for dinner.  Very tasty. 

Today we did have our afternoon apple snack and Nancy had her after dinner cheese and pill snack.

Tonight we watched the news, Jeopardy and NCIS.  We also watched the President’s address to the nation.  The only good thing I can say is that the talk was short.  Was the address even necessary?  

After POTUS Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Dogs of Berlin.  The show is very grim and bloody.  

The temperature was still above 32 at 2200.  Snow and low 20s for tonight.

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