Sunday, January 20, 2019

Saturday January 19, 2019

Saturday January 19, 2019

Blog time 1100, sitting in Cascade Library.

Ms P woke me at 0530.  It was 15 with new snow on the ground.  Noted our driveway had been plowed but the snow was still falling.  I expect another plowing later.  Shoveled the walk and then went back to bed.  

This wind chill was below zero so no walk to Panera.  Instead we grabbed a coupon and drove to New Beginnings on 28th Street.  The coupons said we get a free breakfast if we both order eggs, meat and potatoes.  We complied.  We both rated the restaurant a D.  Glad we had a coupon.

Despite the roads not being cleared we decided to brave it and make the short trip to Aldi’s.  We purchased salad mix, grapes and bananas.

I had planned on going to the RV show downtown but the roads were too bad.  Instead I bundled up and walked to the Cascade Library.  I really like this Library.

Finished yesterday’s blog and read the news.  The walk home was easier with the wind at my back.  

Lunch and then several chores.  Took out trash and recyclables.  Shoveled the walk for a second time.  Our driveway was also plowed for the second time.

Nancy finished the laundry.  I put my clean clothes away.

Spent time in office checking mail, filing 2018 tax data before a short nap.  Put out corn for deer.

Nancy fixed her chicken breast with dressing dish for dinner.  We also had a great salad purchased this morning at Aldi’s.

Of course today we had our daily apple and cheese snacks.   Debbie FaceTimed tonight.  We got caught up on what is happening in San Jose.  

Tonight we watched episode 3 of The Romanoff’s.  It was terrible.  Temperature tonight are expected to dip below zero for the first time this winter.


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