Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Monday January 14, 2019

Monday January 14, 2019

Blog time 1100 drinking coffee at Panera

It was cold, 16, but no wind when first went out this morning.  The pavements are dry so today I will ride my summer bike.

Nancy headed to a class at MVP.  She has an eye doctor appointment later.  

After breakfast I got on the summer bike and headed to the Y.  It took 40 minutes.  40 minutes is about the maximum time I want to spend on a bike when temps are below 20.

I heard several men say that the water aerobic classes were jammed with New Year’s Resolution folks.  I don’t see this with other classes.

This and that:

Good Grief it can’t be that difficult.  Sit down and reach an agreement on opening the Government.

Are we the laughing stock of the world? It looks like it with the petty squabbles between the President and Democratic leaders.  It is embarrassing.

The wall is stupid.
I hope cooler heads prevail and BRexit passes.

I hope we protect the Kurds in Syria.  

I have no team that I want to win the Super Bowl.  In fact have little interest in professional sports.

The only team I am following is the UM BB team.  I like the coach.

Granddaughter Akerke is impacted by the LA School strike.  I think class size is a legitimate issue.  Small class size is good.

At home I take a quick shower and then lunch.  Today I have an appointment with a Financial Planner at Fidelity.

My meeting at Fidelity went well.  No hassle.

At home I finished reading the papers before a nap.  Put out corn for deer.  Prepared our apple snack.

I was not getting email today so I called my computer guru.  Bottom line the guru forgot to register my email address.  He corrected the problem and sent me a bill.  I paid it.  The Guru fixes all my computer problems but he is not good with administrative details.

Looked out the window just after sunset and two deer were eating the corn.  Light dinner tonight followed by cheese snack.  Tonight we watched an episode of Vera.  Despite the nap I feel asleep during Vera.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She gave us an update on the LA School strike.  Akerke seemed to enjoy her day off.


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