Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Monday January 7, 2019

Monday January 7, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Slept in until 0630 this morning.  It was 32 and windy when I took Ms P out.  The drive was covered with ice.  

The weather folks said it will start raining about 1100.  So with the icy drive and rain I decided no bike today.  I did all my exercises at home and then walked to Panera.  I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.

Nancy is still under the weather.  No MVP this morning.

Spent some time catching up on my blogs.  After the blogs started on the papers.

This and that:

This weekend I did not watch any football.

Will the Government ever resolve their budget standoff?

Christmas vacation is over and the kids are back in school.  I always liked school from Jan to June.

I did not make any New Years resolutions.

Big college football game tonight.  Does anyone care?

I think in the next 10 years hydrogen cars will be more popular than electric cars.  Am I a contrarian?

Word processing software and spreadsheets were two of the great innovations of my working life.  

Left Panera early today.  Trying to beat the rain.  At home took a shower and then we all got in the Escape and headed to Costco.  Nancy picked up a prescription and I bought mouth wash, fiber and three bottles of wine.  Next stop was the Dollar Store.  Nancy bought a birthday card and I went next door to Chow Hound and bought a 35# bag of corn.  Final stop was D&W so Nancy could mail a package.  It rained hard during our shopping trip.

I had a quick lunch and then spent some time reading.  Took a nap and then fixed our afternoon apple snack.

 At 1630 put out four ears of corn.  Thirty minutes later two deer showed up.  It took them over 40 minutes to finish four ears of corn.  Why does it take 40 minutes to eat two small ears (assuming each deer had two ears)?

Light dinner, cheese and pill snack, filled a glass of wine and then settled down for some TV.  Watched news, Jeopardy and then an episode of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watch the first half of the football game.  I am cheering for Clemson,  not a fan of Sabin. 



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