Thursday, January 17, 2019

Wednesday January 16, 2019

Wednesday January 16, 2019

Blog started at 0945 while drinking coffee at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday;  up with the 0515 alarm.  It was 32. I checked Tahoe Drive and it had been salted.  Our drive also had been recently salted.  With the roads in good shape I decided to go to BC.

I was amazed that traffic on the freeway was almost bumper to bumper.  Arrived at BC and was greet by James Burr, a BC officer.  Jim told me no BC today.  The club has a policy that when schools are closed no BC.  Bummer

Head home, change clothes, grab backpack and walk to Panera.  The sidewalks were still ice covered so I was forced to walk on grass.  I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.

This and that:

Why do my left side nails grow much faster than the right side?  Big mystery to me.

PM May’s BRexist proposal is resoundingly defeated but she still wins a vote of confidence.  

The Feds are still shut down with no end in sight.  Shame on all our Federal elected leaders?
Big winter storms have hit areas north and south of GR but have bypassed us.  Mild winter so far.

Despite the shutdown I bet Nancy and I still get our SS checks this month.  The Feds don’t mess with seniors because they vote.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

The temperature was 32 when I headed home from Panera but the walks were still ice covered.  Put out corn for deer before lunch.  Lunch and then started wash and took out trash, followed by a short nap.

I spent most of the afternoon in my office working on finding lost relatives.  My Grandmother Hughes had a brother, James Hughes.  He was several years younger than Grandmother.  He left home after a blowup with my Great Grandfather McTavish.

I pulled up the My Heritage web site and did a search for James McTavish, born in Alpena in the year 1870.  The search pulled up census data from 1940.  They found a James H McTavish, age 70 and born in Michigan.  A sheet showing James was from ward 43 in Chicago.  My Grandmother thought he might be living in Chicago.  I am excited and will do more research this week.

Nancy said the Gardens was not busy this afternoon.  I fixed our apple snack as soon as she got home.  Looked out the window before dinner and saw two deer.  Later two more deer showed up.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.  The sun was out and the walks were all ice free.  Good news for bike riding tomorrow.

Our evening church lesson was canceled because of weather.  We had a light dinner and of course Nancy’s cheese and pill snack.  

This evening we watched an episode of Grantchester.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another The Dogs of Berlin.

Missy had been praising Costco for their cheap travel trips to faraway places.  We thought the trips were inexpensive but questioned if they included airfare.  Missy texted us a notice showing a Costco trip to Africa and yes it included air fare.  Thanks Missy.

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