Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Monday December 31, 2018

Monday December 31, 2018

Last day of 2018

Blog time 1035 at Panera

Ms P let me sleep in until 0620 this morning.  It was a mild 30 outside.  My weather app says no rain until 1100.  

Nancy headed to a class at MVP.  Breakfast and then I got on the winter bike and took the short 5 mile route to Y.  I saw a lot of strange faces today so I assume that normal working folk have the day off.

A lot of the folks I see at Panera are now heading to warmer climes.  Finished the weekend blog and am starting with the papers.

Nancy and I are going to Costco today.  We have a huge list of items we need.  We might even stop by VerHage flooring to look at wood floors/carpeting for our living room.  Nancy and I for Christmas agreed to get a new surface in the living room.  Stand by!

Memories of New Years Eve.  Unlike Thanksgiving or Christmas I really have no big memories of New Years Eve.  Nancy and I have attended a few events on NYE during our 53 years.  

I remember several years ago we attended a NYE concert with the Horlings.  It was an unusually warm evening and we walked around a crowded downtown.  A pleasant memory of time spent with Hal and Karen.  God Bless Hal.

Good Grief are they really starting the 2020 Presidential campaign this early.  Dem senators Warren, Sanders, Booker, Harris, Brown, Klobuchar and Gillibrand are forming committees.  Even ex NYC Mayor Bloomberg is thinking of running.  Please not this early!

I rode home in rain.  First thing I did at home was take a long hot shower.  Put out corn for deer before lunch.  

We expected a mob scene at Costco but it was not too bad.  Our main purpose was getting Ms P her meds.  We also purchased a year’s supply of paper products, peanut butter, sandwich thins, scalloped potatoes and spaghetti sauce.  We renewed our membership for another year.

Short nap and then we had our afternoon pear.  Light dinner tonight.  We watched an episode of Agatha Raisin before turning in.

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