Monday, December 31, 2018

Sunday December 30, 2018

Weekend Update for WE 30 December 

Blog time 1640 Sunday sitting in living room

Saturday December 30

Fresh dusting of snow on the ground with temperature at 27.  Walked to Panera in darkness.  We were first one in the dining area.  We chose a table near the fireplace.  I had my normal oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy is still in her fast time so she only had a hazelnut coffee.

We lingered over several cups of coffee.  Sitting near the fireplace was very comfy.

It was daylight when we finally left Panera.  Walked home with wind at our back.

Nancy started laundry and I bundled up and headed out on a ten mile bike ride.  Before leaving I adjusted my internal hub in accordance with instructions on a YouTube video.  Did not work.

Stopped at the Y and left off some clean gym clothes.  The Y was crowded with a lot of hard core lifters.

Cold weather note:  I put my iPhone in an outside pocket when I headed out on my ride.  The iPhone’s battery was completely drained when I got to the Y.  It took only 40 minutes to drain the battery.  
At home I put out the corn for the deer.  Showered and then lunch.  Spent some time reading the news and finishing yesterday’s blog.  Also found time for a nap.

I did watch some of the UM/FL game.  UM got creamed and it serves them right when they let their best players skip the game.  UM should have declined the invitation if they knew they would not be fielding the same team that got them the invitation in the first place.  

We had Nancy’s world famous ham and bean soup for dinner.  It was great.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She gave us some Netflix shows popular with her friends.  

We finished the evening watching episode 1 of season 19 for Midsomer Murders.  I like the show and apparently so do a lot of Brits if it has been on for over 20 years.

Sunday December 30

Ms P got me up at 0550.  We had a new dusting of snow on the ground.  Temperature was 28.  Nancy and I bundled up grabbed our flashlights and headed out on our Sunday walk around the block.  We had to be careful because of snow and icy patches.

Breakfast and then at 0840 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Pastor Bob gave a great Homily.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home.  Gas was $1.99 per gallon.

I did some light exercises before lunch.  After lunch read several sections of GRP before my Sunday nap.  A great obituary for Hal Horling in the GRP.

Nap and then a two mile walk.  Bright sun but still 30 degrees.  

This afternoon we had a pear snack and then a shrimp snack.  

This and that;

During the Holiday season I have avoided commenting on politics.  I think most folks want the pols to take a break and remember they serve the public.  I hope their constituents let them know this.

I have lost all interest in college and pro sports.  It is all about the money.

Keep reading about the Polar Vortex.  A cold winter is predicted.  Haven’t seen it yet.

Just checked outside and we have two deer eating the corn.  Normal feeding time is just after sunset.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also had spinach pie and bacon.

Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack after dinner.  We started watching 60 Minutes but realized it was a rerun.  Switched to Netflix.  Started watching Safe which Debbie recommended last night but soon realized that we had already seen it.  Watched an episode of The Five before turning in.

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