Friday, December 7, 2018

Thursday December 6, 2018

Thursday December 6, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Ms P did not wake me this morning so I had the luxury of sleeping in until 0630.  Temperature was 30 and my weather app said no snow today.  Also no sun.

We still have a thin layer of snow on the walks so I decided to walk to the Y instead of taking my bike.  It is a 1.75 mile walk.  I checked the other day and found that I carry 15 pounds of clothing and other gear on these cold days.  

Nancy at 1000 is having some major dental work done.  She is getting new crowns for a number of teeth.  The Dentist said today’s work will take 3 hours.

This evening we are attending the Christmas Gala at Meijer’s Garden.  I will have to wear a suit and tie.  Hope I can still remember how to tie a tie.

At home my first chore was to put out corn for the deer.  Yesterday’s corn had been eaten.  Why don’t the deer eat the cob.  I would think a cob might have some nutritional value?

I misquoted earlier about Nancy’s dental work.  Today she just had some minor work.  Next Thursday she will have the major crown work.  Because she will be put under for this work I will have to drive her.  

Quick shower and shave before lunch.  After we made a quick trip to Costco.  Nancy was looking at their cookies but did not purchase.  I made several small purchases.

At home I sat down in my den’s recliner to do some reading.  Wrong move, I immediately fell asleep.

Nancy and I left home at 1715 and headed to Meijer Gardens for their Christmas Gala.  I had on my 50 year old suit complete with a tie.  Nancy was dressed to the hilt and looked great.  We stopped at Kathi Kothe’s.  She accompanied us to the Gala.

The Gala was crowded.  About 35% of men wore a tux.  I have a tux which I purchased in 1957.  It still fits but Nancy discouraged me from wearing it.

The food and drink were great.  The Christmas cookies and brownies were especially good.  Nancy and I broke all our dietary rules.

A string ensemble from the GR Symphony provided a short after dinner concert of Christmas music.  A great way to end a nice evening.

We got home at 2200 and headed straight to bed.  We both hoped all the rich food would not keep us awake. 

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