Saturday, December 1, 2018

Friday November 30, 2018

Friday November 30, 2018

Blog time 1125 at Panera

Thank God it is Friday and the last day of a dark gloomy November.  We have had very little sun this month.  I think it is near a record.

The temp was 28 when I went out but sun and a high of 37 predicted for late this afternoon.

No bike today but I did walk the 1.75 miles to the Y.  Except for the icy walks in our neighborhood, the walks elsewhere were fine.  I think they use a junky sidewalk plow in our area.  I will call the Township this afternoon.

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  Later, She is having lunch today with two friends.  They are meeting at Nancy’s favorite lunch venue Schuler’s Books.

I have trouble reading the numbers on my combination lock at the Y.  Yesterday I bought a lock that is thump print activated.  Isn’t tech great ?

I just texted our family tree to Debbie and my sister, Helen.  We have a direct link via the Sanborn branch to Mark Sanborn who was in the Revolutionary Army.  Debbie, Missy, Helen and Granddaughter Alessandra are eligible to join the DAR.

I also texted an INC magazine story on small businesses that received an award this year from the magazine.  Missy was one of the award winners.  Nice story.

It was in mid30s with no sun when left Panera.  The ice was beginning to thaw.  At home I had a quick lunch and then started some chores.  First chore was to place more corn cobs in the back yard.  The deer had eaten all the cobs I set out yesterday.  

Next I put the shower head with new O ring back on the downstairs shower.  In tightening down the shower head I must have cracked the head.  It leaked badly.  Tomorrow I will buy a new shower head.

I took a long nap this afternoon.  The weather folks said we would have sun this afternoon but it did not Happen.

This evening we had dinner at Shepard’s Grill.  The place was jammed.  We got the last booth.  Several neighbors were also having dinner.  Nancy noted that 90% of the diners were over 60.  Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had the perch sandwich.  Great perch sandwich.

We watched and episode of Call the MidWifes.  Actually Nancy watched because I slept through the whole show.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched the Finnish show Deadwind.  

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