Friday, December 28, 2018

Thursday December 27, 2018

Thursday December 27, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

It was 36 and windy when first went out.  High temp today 41 with rain starting at noon.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I got out my Bad Boy bike (warm weather) and headed to the Y.  Took the 6 mile route.  

I was surprised at how empty the Y was.  I completed my routine quickly and headed to Panera.

This and that:

What’s with the stock market.  Down one day and then up 1,000 the next.  Large swings during the day.  Revenge of the nerds?

The lack of snow in December is close to a record.

The Federal Gov is shut down.  Does anyone notice or care?

Several UM football players will miss their bowl game because the don’t want to get hurt before the NFL draft.  Loyalty loses and greed wins.  Major college sports need some major changes.

I am not looking forward to the 2019 Congress.  Will nastiness get even worse?

Rode home from Panera in the rain.  First thing I did at home was take a hot shower.

After lunch we headed out to run errands.  

First stop was Horrock’s so I can replenish my corn supply.  

Next we stopped at Trader Joe’s. Bought frozen dinners for tonight.  Mac and cheese for Nancy and Shepard’s Pie for Bob.  Also bought dog food for Ms P.

At the Grand Rapid’s Lighting Center we bought a new ceiling light for the kitchen.

Final stop was Sam’s Club for a tub of soft Pinconning soft cheese.

First job at home was to lug the 35# bag of corn to back yard.  I used the plastic sled.  Each day I set out nine ears.  They are gone by morning.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  We had our TJ purchases for dinner.  Very good.

Lately Ms P has not been eating food she usually likes.  Tonight she did not eat her cheese.  

We watched an episode of Vera before turning in.  I told Nancy I did not like this episode and she replied may be it was because I had slept through half the show.

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