Friday, December 14, 2018

Thursday December 13, 2018

Thursday December 13, 2018

Blog time 0900 at Panera

I got up at 0600 and Ms P was waiting for me to take her outside.  Mild temperature, 32, with no rain or wind.  Today at 1040 Ms P has an appointment with the Vet.  So this morning I had to collect a poop sample. Did I really have to include this?

Because of the Vet appointment I have to juggle my morning schedule.  No Y today, I did the calisthenics at home.  Biked to Panera for breakfast.  Will leave at 1000 and grab Ms P for her appointment.  

After the appointment I will do some banking and then buy a multi draw lottery ticket.  I only buy lottery tickets on the 13th because  I once won a jeep in a raffle with the number 13. 

Nancy did not go swimming this morning.  She has a 1000 appointment with the Dentist to remove her temporary crowns and replace with permanent ones.

Left Panera at 1000 and headed straight home.  Grabbed Ms P and headed to the Vet.  The Vet gave Ms P her annual shot for some exotic disease.  They checked her poop for parasites and found no problem.  

I told the Vet that Ms P’s seizures usually occurred after an exertion like climbing stairs.  The Vet concluded the seizures were caused by her weak heart and not epilepsy.  She said we should increase her heart meds.  If after several weeks the seizures have stopped then we should decrease her phenobarbital seizure meds.  Sounds like a good plan to me.  I like the Vet she seems knowledgeable and honest.  Finished our other chores before heading home.

Dropped Ms P off and then took an easy six mile bike ride.  At home I put out the corn for the deer.  Showered and then lunch.  

Nancy got home from the dentist after lunch.  She said everything went well.  Her teeth really look great.  A very good investment.

I took a short nap.  For dinner we headed to Shepard’s Grill.  We got the last table.  Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had a hamburger.  Good food.

We watched an episode of DCI Banks.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Deadwind.


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