Friday, December 21, 2018

Thursday December 20, 2018

Thursday December 20, 2018

It was mild, 40, with light rain when I went out at 0600.  Today I put on a rain suit and rode my Bad Boy (warm weather) bike.  

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  She has a busy day.   She is having lunch with friend Kathi and tonight we are going out for dinner before attending a GR Symphony concert.

Light rain on my 5 mile ride to the Y.   The rain suit kept me very comfortable.  Great to be back on the Bad Boy bike.

The Y was crowded this morning with folks getting in some exercise before the Christmas break.  Overheard a lot of folks talking about visiting family out of town.

The Y was crowded but Panera was empty.  Maybe folks have already left town?

At home put out corn for the deer.  I then drove the Taurus to the D&W gas station.  Gas today was $2.19.

Lunch, a shower and then I spent time in the office finishing year end chores.  My friend Tom Cassell called me this afternoon.  Tom still lives in Alpena and at 80 still successfully hunts deer.  We talked for over an hour.  No short conversations with Tom.  Great to hear from him.

Nancy and I left at 1700 for downtown.  Parked in the City Center and then walked to Sundance for dinner.  We were surprised the place was empty.  After dinner we know why it was empty.  We gave Sundance a C-.

The concert tonight was great.  The symphony was in fine tune and the gymnasts from Cirque du Soleil were spectacular.  There were no empty seats in the house and judging from the applause every one had a great time.

We got home at 2200.  No TV tonight we went straight to bed.

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