Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Tuesday December 25, 2018


December 25, 2018

Blog time 1400 sitting in living room watching the snow fall.

Took Ms P out at 0600, snow and 28.  I went back to bed and did not get up until 0830.  

We had several presents under our tree and spent some time opening them.  I had my standard morning breakfast but with coffee that Nancy had brewed.  I usually don’t get my morning coffee until about 1000 at Panera.  

Steve and family are in England for Christmas.  They FaceTimed us this morning.  It was cold but they still have been bike riding, attending the Changing of the Guard and other outdoor activities.

We have several text messages from Missy and AJ.  One photo showed AJ opening presents.  They will attend a movie this afternoon.

Several great Christmas presents from my youth.

A small radio for my bedroom.  It opened the world for me.  Remember no TV in Alpena until 1956.

A Red Ryder Daisy BB gun.  Every little boy’s dream.

A pair of high top boots with a built in jackknife pocket.  Super cool.  Every little boy had a jackknife.

Not in my youth but when first married I jokingly told Nancy if she bought me a Rolex watch I would buy her a fur coat.  Christmas 1965 I got my watch.  Being a deadbeat I have not fulfilled my end of the pledge.

Today we spent time on FaceTime will all the kids.  Debbie in San Jose, Melissa in LA and Steve vacationing in London.  Love FaceTime.  

I told Nancy that today I would not do any physical activity.  I kept my pledge.  I took two naps.  

I did take Ms P out several times and put out corn for the deer.  That was my outdoor activities.

Nancy fixed a great Christmas dinner.  We had ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, pineapple and a salad.  Great meal.  

This evening we watched the news and NCIS.  Finished the evening watching the Tunnel.

Took Ms P out at 2200 and noted that we had a thin blanket of snow over all the green areas.  Yes folks, we had a White Christmas.

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