Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Both Nancy and I got up at 0620 today.  I took Ms P out and it was cold, 21.

This morning Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  She has a lunch this afternoon with a friend.  This evening we are attending a neighborhood get together at Noto’s.  Busy day for Nancy.

This morning I bundled up for my bike ride to the Y.  Opened the garage door and noted that I had left the door of the Escape open.  Like an idiot I closed the door.  Big question is if the battery is drained how do I get in the car that has keyless entry.  Bummer!

It was cold on the ride but I had sufficient layers to combat it.  The sun was just coming up when I started.  Sun trumps cold anytime.

This and that:

9 hours and 1 minute of daylight today.  Six hours and 58 minutes in Edinburgh.  

Mothers do not darn holes in socks anymore. My mother use to darn all our socks to prolong their life.  She would insert a solid wood object into the sock to assist her.  I think the tool was called a darning knob or egg.  When I was in the third or fourth grade I wanted to buy Mom a Christmas present.  I looked all over town and finally bought her a darning knob.  I bought it at the Dime store for less than a dollar.  I wrapped it and put it under the tree.  My Mother told me it was a great gift.  I was very proud because I did it all by myself.

The UM Alumni Association has a site dealing with memories at UM.  Current topic is clothing in the 50s.  During college I wore khakis everyday.  I did not own a pair of jeans.  Blue and white shirts with button down collars.  Coat and tie for dinner required in both dorm and fraternity.  White wool crew socks.

Apple each week tells me my screen time on the ipad.  I average 3 hours and 20 minutes each day.

First job at home was to put out corn for the deer.  Lunch and then I grabbed my car keys, crossed my fingers and headed out to the Escape.  Surprise! I could open the door and start the car with no problems.  Ford must have put a super battery in their cars.  Just to be safe I took the Escape to the freeway and drove about 30 miles hoping to charge the battery.

Back at home Nancy said a light was burned out in our kitchen ceiling light.  I got on a ladder and tried to remove the globe.  No luck so I turned the light’s metal base.  Bad idea, in fact super bad.  The fixture is now hanging by the wires and I still can’t figure out how to get to the bulbs.  Finally I had Nancy hold the base and with a super effort I was able to twist the globe off.  Sure enough one bulb was burned out.  

We spent about an hour trying to reattach the light base to the ceiling.  No luck!  Plan B tomorrow.

Showered, dressed and at 1745, Nancy and I pick up our old neighbor Sonya and headed to Noto’s.  Good crowd for the final neighborhood dinner of the year.  We had the opportunity to talk to several couples who just moved into the area.  Especially good food this evening.

At home we watched a recorded episode of Bull.  The mild weather continues through tomorrow.

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