Thursday, December 13, 2018

Wednesday December 12, 2018

Wednesday December 12, 2018

Blog time 0920 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0615 and take Ms P out.  The temperature was 27.  Snow predicted for this afternoon.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  Being easy Wednesday I  only do my calisthenics at 50%.  

Nancy slept in until 0800.  She said she had no pain from yesterday’s dental work.  No MVP this morning but will work at the Gardens this afternoon.

It was still dark when I biked to Panera.  I had all my lights on and stuck to the sidewalk.  The walks and roads are nearly ice free.

I had an oatmeal breakfast.  Finished yesterday blog before starting reading the morning news.

This and that;

Today we have 9h05’ of daylight.  This time of year we not only have limited daylight but also little sunshine.  The combination creates a depressing environment for some folks.  I recommend my 30 minute outside routine.

I am amazed at the number of men and women who do not wear socks on these cold days.  Brr!

The news outlets talk about PONTUS losing his cool at a meeting with Dem leaders.  I watched the clips and thought it was just a heated meeting.  I have attended many meetings like this.  Did I miss something?

PM May is facing a confidence vote later today.  I don’t know if I like the UK’s political system.

The Marriott hackers have been identified as the Chinese intelligence service.

Our recent warm spell has melted most of the snow.  We need some snow to brighten things up.

After Panera I took the long route home.  My super duper watch said the distance was 10.9 miles.  A pleasant ride.

Nancy left for the Gardens at 1230.  I started my Wednesday chores including trash, recyclables and laundry.  Also found time for a nap.

Light dinner and then we headed to Trinity Lutheran to our class on the Historical Jesus.  The class was well attended.  

We watched an episode of Homecoming.  Both Nancy and I are confused by this show.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched the Finnish show Deadwind.  Light rain when I took Ms P out for the last time.

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