Monday, December 3, 2018

Sunday December 2, 2018

Weekend Update:

Saturday December 1, 2018

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Woke up several times last night and noted our deck was nice and bright with Christmas lights.  Yesterday I put up a string of lights on the deck’s railing.

Ms P got up at 0500 this morning.   It was 28 with a light mist.  Went back to bed and slept until 0730.

We drove to Panera because it was still too icy.  I had my standard Saturday breakfast and Nancy had a cup of coffee.

After breakfast we headed to Lowell High School.  Today we attended an Arts Fair.  I was impressed with the high school’s physical plant.  The place was crowded.  Spent about an hour looking around but did not purchase anything.

On way home we stopped at ACE Hardware.  I bought a new shower head.  

At home Nancy started the laundry and I put on the new shower head.  I finally got it right.  The shower works fine.

Brought up our small Christmas Tree from the basement and set it on our brass table in the living room.  I also put out more corn cobs for the deer.  Each day I have been putting out eight cobs and the deer eat all of them.

Quick lunch and then I put on my rain gear and took a two mile walk.  I have to get in my 30 minutes outside.  The temp was in mid 30s with rain.  Took and nice warm shower after the walk.

Spent some time in the office reading and writing yesterday’s blog.  Tonight we are meeting the Moleski’s at Charlies Bar and Grill for dinner.

Sad News,  learned today that President George H W Bush passed.  President Bush was a classy guy.  I think his handling of the war with Iraq over their occupation of Kuwait was a text book example of how to conduct Foreign Policy.  

Our current President mocked Senator McCann because POTUS said his heroes don’t get shot down.  Maybe POTUS  should look at President Bush’s military record.  President Bush’s plane was shot down over the Pacific.  President Bush was lucky because he was rescued by a US Sub.  Like Senator McCann, President Bush was my hero.  Rest In Peace President Bush.

Left home at 1700 for Charlie’s.  The Moleski’s had already arrived.  We spent two hour drinking, eating and talking.  The food is always good at Charlie’s.  I had the French dip and Nancy a turkey sandwich.  We got home at 2000.  Talked to Debbie on FaceTime and watched an episode of DCI Banks.  I don’t know how the show ended because I fell asleep half way through the show.  The rain and gloom continues through tomorrow.

Sunday Dec 2:

Up at 0615, the rain had stopped and the temp never got below 32 last night so we decided to walk around the block.  No traffic so we walked in the middle of the road.  I know we have deer in our area because they are eating my corn but this morning we did not see any critters.

At home we got ready for church.  After breakfast I took a quick trip to Panera to get Nancy and Bob a coffee to take to church.  I had time to read the funnies before heading out.  

Today is the first Sunday of Advent so candles were lit, special songs sung and the Homily addressed the significance of Advent.  Church was again crowded.  Nice to see so many young families.  Jeans are the preferred dress for the young folks.

After church we headed to Meijer’s.  Gas today was $2.14.  Meijer’s was not crowded.  Must be folks stocked up at Thanksgiving.

At home I did reduced calisthenics before lunch.  Read several sections of the GRP before my nap.

I finished my outdoor activities with a five mile bike ride around the neighborhood.  The temp was in mid 30s with a light mist.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine over a waffle.  Also had spinach pie and fresh pineapple. 

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  They had a good segment on President George HW Bush.  After we watched an episode of The Kominsky Method followed by the Julia Robert’s show Homecoming on Amazon.  Both shows are only 30 minutes.  We like the Kominsky Method but have trouble following Homecoming.

Light sprinkle when last went out.  The weather folks say the rain will stop this evening.  I enjoy going to bed looking at the Christmas Lights on our deck.

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