Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Tuesday December 4, 2018

Tuesday December 4, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Ms P woke Nancy up this morning before 0600.  Nancy took her out.  I stayed in bed until 0630. It was cold this morning, 24, but the weather folks promised sun.

Nancy headed out before sunrise for her Tuesday swim.  After breakfast I biked to the Y in bright sun.  No matter what the temperature Sun is always good.

On these cold mornings I like the stop at the Y because it gives me a chance to warm up.  I did my calisthenics and 0.6 walk before heading to Panera.

After Panera I headed home.  Before lunch or my shower I put out more corn for the deer.  This morning I did see three deer in the back yard eating the corn.

After lunch I headed to the den.  Turned on the heater, slid the recliner back and started to read the papers.  Of course I immediately fell asleep.  Slept for over an hour.  I sleep very sound in the recliner.

Finished my outdoor activities with a short walk.  At 1730 Nancy and I headed to the Cork restaurant.  Tonight we met Carol and Bill Masten and Kathy and Doug Vance.  Both couples had kids who attended OHHS.  The Cork was really crowded.  We were glad we had reservations.

We spent a pleasant 2.5 hours.  It is alway great to have dinner companions.

We got home about 2100.  Too late for any TV so I read the GRP on my iPad before turning in. Snow predicted for tonight.

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