Saturday, December 29, 2018

Friday December 28, 2018

Friday December 28, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Good Grief it was 51 degrees when I first went out.  The temperature is going to start dropping all day.  In fact at Blog time the temp had already fallen 10 degrees.

This morning I ditched the cold weather coat, hat and boots.  I took the 8 mile route to the Y, saw a large flock of turkeys feeding.

Normal routines at both the Y and Panera.  Tonight Nancy and I will use one of our many coupons for dinner.

This and that:

Does anyone remember the old morning kid’s show on WJR radio?  It was called the Adventures of Squeaky and Sputter.  

Radio was great in the 40 and 50s.  My favorite Friday evening show was called “It Pays to be Ignorant”.  It was on at 2200 and I would fight to stay awake.

Today’s blog will be number 3139.

POTUS say he will close the entire southern border if he does not get his wall funded.  Crazy! Why can’t some adults just sit down and reach a compromise.

First chore at home was putting out nine corn cobs for deer.  Showered and then had lunch.

I spent the afternoon in the office finishing writing checks for this year’s charitable contributions.  Our list of organizations has been pretty stable over the last ten years.  The one change is the Myasthenia Gravis foundation.  We started giving soon after I was diagnosed with this rare neuro-musclar condition.

Earlier I wrote about the good old days, 40 and 50s.  However, today we have available to us things that were unimaginable then.  I particularly like all the tool available like iPads, computers and iphone and their ability to use the internet.

This week at Christmas we were able to have video conversations with:

Debbie in San Jose, CA
Melissa and AJ in LA
Steve and family vacationing in London, England

Dick Tracy would be proud.  Folks laughed at his watch phone in the 50s.  

For dinner Nancy and I grabbed a coupon and headed to Derby Station in Gaslight Village.  Nancy had a burger and I had their fish and chips.  Both were very good.

We watched an episode of Wanted this evening.

On a very sad note Nancy got a phone call this evening from Karen Horlings.  She told Nancy that husband Hal had passed early Friday morning.  Karen, Nancy and my Sister were classmates at Albion College in the late 50s.  

Nancy and I have many fond memories of time spent with Hal and Karen.  They were a favorite couple.  Just two weeks ago we all had dinner and then attended the Holiday Pops Concert.  It was a great time.

I considered Hal a close friend.  He was a great husband, father and grandfather.  Rest In Peace Hal.


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