Monday, December 17, 2018

Sunday December 16, 2018

Sunday December 16, 2018

Blog time 1215 sitting in den

Up with 0615 alarm.  It was 31 and foggy this morning.  Nancy and I took our Sunday 1.25 mile walk around the block.  We encountered one car and two deer.

At home we got ready for the 0915 Rejoice Service at Trinity Lutheran.  I did have enough time to get a coffee at Panera to take with me.

Today Trinity is having their Children’s Christmas program following todays service.  Our service was devoid of the children.  Bummer I like seeing all the kids.

Assisting Pastor Bob today was a young lady who is attending Valparaiso University.  Next year she enters seminary.  She did a good job.  Growing up in the 40s and 50s there were no women in the Ministry.  Times have sure changed.  For the better I might add.

Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Gas today was $2.89.

This afternoon we are attending Nancy’s Book Club Christmas party at the Moleski’s.  We left home at 1230.  All book club members, 6, were in attendance including two husbands, Tom Moleski and yours truly.

The schedule said snacks and refreshments at 1300 followed by the main meal at 1400.  Beef was the main menu item today along with mashed potatoes, salad, green beans.  Dessert included a variety of cookies.  I liked the oatmeal raisin.  Appetites were keen today.  Hardly any leftovers.

The book club members were all teachers at Westwood Middle School.  Conversation centered on school memories and books read.  All very pleasant and I was glad to see no discussion of our toxic political climate.  We left at 1600.  It was a good Christmas party.  Good feelings!

At home I took a quick walk.  For dinner I had yogurt.  

Tonight on 60 Minutes, Midway Island was featured on one of the segments about plastic waste.  The Island located in the middle of the Pacific, 140 miles from tomorrow, is very isolated.  Today you cannot get to Midway, it is an off limits nature preserve.

I was shocked to see all the plastic waste that had washed up on the beaches.  The amount of waste is impossible for me to imagine.  I was stationed on Midway Island in 1962.  The beaches in 62 were pristine and the Navy bragged it was their “most beautiful isle”.  Not only did the island have the famous gooey birds but also many Terns, Boobies and other colorful birds. 

As a young Navy Civil Engineer, Ensign Scott had as one of his duties running the Island’s dump.  Although we did not follow current rules we did confine, compact, and cover it up daily.  We were afraid of blowing papers and fires.  Both could impede aircraft operations.

The Captain’s Wife made sure no trash on the beaches or else Ensign Scott would get a call.  Heaven forbid!

We finished the evening watching an episode of “The Romanoff’s”.  We both liked it.  



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