Saturday, December 8, 2018

Friday December 7, 2018

Friday December 7, 2018

Blog time 1200 at Panera

I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that after our overindulgence last night would we get a good night’s sleep.  The answer is no!  I tossed and turned all night.

It was 24 and snowing when took Ms P out.  Nancy headed to her class at MVP and after breakfast I walked to the Y.

Nancy is having lunch with friends today.  After lunch we will head to Horrick’s to replace my corn and then on to Trader Joe’s.

Today I walked to the Y.  I had to be careful because the snow covered up some icy spots.

Today is Pearl Harbor Day.  It was a major event that impacted every citizen.  It was a major foreign policy blunder for Japan.

As soon as I got home we got in the car and ran errands.  First stop was Horrick’s.  I bought 35 pounds of corn.  Next we stopped at Trader Joe’s for spinach pie, dog food and peas.  We stopped at Meijer’s so Nancy could pick up a prescription.  Final stop was Lake MI CU.  Nancy deposited her quarterly IRA check.

I found time for an afternoon nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed pea soup with spinach pie.  It was tasty.

Snacks and network news occupied first part of evening.  Then we watched an episode of Tunnel.  Nancy turned in and I stayed up and watched my favorite Finnish show, Deadwind.

The weather folks say it will get cold tonight, low 20s.  We still plan on walking to Panera.

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