Monday, December 24, 2018

Sunday December 23, 2018

Saturday December 22, 2018

Blog time 1425 sitting in office

It was gloomy and 31 when first stepped out.  Despite the wind and cold Nancy and I bundled up and walked to Panera.  We were one of the first folks there.

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy said we had a free pastry so she got a cinnamon braid.  Of course she forced me to eat half.

Wind at our back on the way home making the walk pleasant.  Nancy started the laundry and I took a nine mile bike ride.  The pavements were dry so I took my Bad Boy (lefty) bike.  

Put out corn for the deer.  Every evening about 1715 three deer quietly come and devour our corn.  They strip the cobs clean but don’t eat the cob.

After the shower I had lunch.  Spent a good portion of the afternoon in my office doing year end stuff.

Nancy and I left home about 1715 and headed to Charlie’s Bar and Grill on Plainfield.  We met the Moleski’s.  First time in a year that I had a burrito.  Charlie’s burritos are great.  Nancy and the Moleski’s had the French dip.  They all gave the French dip an A.  Every table was occupied.  Is it because of the Holiday Season or the good food?
Got home early so we watched the final two episodes of DCI Banks.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening and we got caught up.  She plans on a quiet Christmas at home.

Sunday December 24, 2018

Up at 0615 to take Ms P out.  Temp was at 32 with light mist.  We started our Sunday walk around the block but cut it short because of icy conditions.

Breakfast, quick run to Panera for coffee and read the funnies and obits before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Pastor Bob commented on the small crowd.  He thinks folks will get their church time tomorrow at one of the five Christmas Eve services.  Yes five services on Christmas Eve.

Stopped at a crowded Meijer’s for a few supplies.  Gas today was $2.18.

At home put out the corn and did some mild calisthenics before lunch.  I read several sections of the GRP before my afternoon nap.  

I finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner. I had mine with spinach pie and bacon.

After the cheese snack and pills we watched 60 Minutes.  Tonight also watched an episode of The Five.  Light snow predicted for tonight.

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