Friday, November 30, 2018

Thursday November 29, 2018

Thursday November 29, 2018

Blog time 1015 at Panera

25 with light snow when first went out this morning.  The roads and walks are still too treacherous to ride my bike.  I did all the calisthenics at home including a 10 minute row.  Showered and then breakfast before walking to Panera.

No swim for Nancy today because she has a 0930 Dentist appointment.  Later today we will go to Costco and then the bank to get some jewelry out of the lock box.  We will attend several Christmas events next week that will necessitate nice jewelry for Nancy.

Today is a sad day for me:  On this date in 1938 my Great Grandfather Sanborn passed.  He was 82.  One of my most cherished possessions is his 1938 diary.  As readers of this blog know I often report on GGF Sanborn’s daily activities.

This and that:

Is the UM basketball team for real?  Another big win against a top ten team.

I cannot name more that two players on any of the Detroit sports teams.  In fact I don’t know the name of any player on either MSU or UM’s basketball team.

The Mueller investigation is getting more coverage lately.  Is anyone really paying attention?  

Michael Cohen, President Trump’s attorney, has pleaded guilty to lying to Congress.  Good grief lying under oath was he asleep in law school?

I hope POTUS does not embarrass the USA at the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires.  I think he is beginning to wear thin with other leaders.

As soon as I got home we headed to Costco.  Nancy picked up a prescription. We also bought cereal, wine, cheese and lint brushes.  Ms P has been shedding like crazy.

Next stop was Macatawa Bank.  Nancy found some jewelry in the lock box that she had forgotten about.

Quick lunch and then a nap.  I ended the afternoon with a short walk.

We had planned on going out but we both did not want to go out into the cold.  Instead Nancy fixed me a great hot turkey sandwich.  We finished the Thanksgiving Turkey.

Today we had all our daily snacks, apple and cheese.  Watched the news and then an episode of The Five on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of the Finnish mystery Deadwind.  

Temperature was 28 when headed to bed.  Tomorrow begins a warmup.


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