Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Monday November 5, 2018

Monday November 5, 2018

Blog time 1045 at Panera

I had the alarm set for 0615 but Nancy and Ms P were up just before the alarm.  We took Ms P out for her morning duties.  The temperature was a mild 40 with a slight drizzle.  What is a slight drizzle?

Thank goodness only one more day!  Turned on TV to get weather but got nothing but political ads.  All the ads were nasty.  When are we going to return to civil behavior?  Would it help if we eliminated political parties?  Candidates would run on a nonpartisan ballot.

At 1000 Nancy is taking Ms P to the groomers.  Nancy said today is her last day without exercise.  She has declared herself well and will return to MVP tomorrow.

It appeared that the drizzle had stopped so I headed out for the Y.  I got 2 miles into the ride when the drizzle returned.  Shortened my ride by 2 miles.  

Classes at the Y were going full blast this morning.  They ran out of exercise mats.  I had to wait 10 minutes to get one.

It was still raining when I left the Y for Panera.  Rain will continue off and on through tomorrow.  Accumulating snow is predicted for Friday.

This and that;

With EST sunrise is at 0721 meaning I leave home in daylight.

Today I will take bike in to get snow tires put on.  My bike’s snow tires have steel studs.

Everyone I talk to in the morning has already voted.

In my youth all males got their hair cut at a barber shop.  My dad and I went to Roy’s.  Roy had all the hunting magazines like Sport’s Afield, Field and Stream.  This time of year the conversation was limited to deer hunting and football.  Liked hearing all the chatter from the men.

I am exactly a year behind in reading Time Magazine.  I am amazed at how wrong the reporters were now that a year has passed.

Because I shortened my bike ride earlier I took a longer route home after Panera.  I got home at 1230 which is near my normal time.  

Nancy took Ms P to the groomer today.  She looks great.

The low tire pressure light went on in the Taurus.  After lunch I took the car to Meijer’s and filled all tires.  They were low according to the gage.  I remember when all the gas stations would not only fill your car but check your tires and battery.  It was part of the full service.  It cost me $1.50 to fill the tires today and I had to do it myself.

At Meijer’s I purchased toothbrushes and shoe laces.  Tried to purchase some 6” x 8” stationary but no luck.  No luck at Staples either.

This afternoon I wrote my monthly note to the Grandkids.  I experimented with typing the notes.  After several tries I finally succeeded.  My handwriting has gotten so poor typing is the only option.  Best class I had in high school was typing.

While addressing the envelopes I had to look up the zip codes.  In my youth there were no zip codes or no telephone area codes either.  

This afternoon I also fixed our apple snack, and walked to the mailbox to post the Grandkids note.  Finally I took a nap in my den recliner.  I slept super sound because Nancy had to wake me for dinner.

We had our usual light Monday dinner.  After dinner I fixed Nancy her cheese snack.  She takes her pill with the snack.

Tonight we watched an episode on The Bodyguard.  Rain will continue through tomorrow.

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