Thursday, November 15, 2018

Wednesday November 14, 2018

Wednesday November 14, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Ms P got me up at 0500.  Took her out and headed back to bed.  Finally got up at 0700.  

Nancy left home at 0730 for her class at MVP.  She has a busy day. This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.  This evening we are attending another lecture at Trinity Lutheran.

I did my normal Wednesday light calisthenics at home before heading out.  Pumped up the tires on the winter bike and headed to Panera in bright sunshine.  It was cold, 25.   This morning I had an oatmeal breakfast.

Overheard several men talking about going deer hunting.  Tomorrow is opening day.  Small town bars in NE Michigan look forward to this time of year.  I have been told over 75% of their annual revenue occurs during deer season.

This and that;

A great invention that we really don’t need.  Heated car seats!  Love them.

Quilted jackets are very popular in cold weather.  They are warm and very light.  However, I like good old wool.  I just bought a wool pea coat.  Great coat.

It appears an agreement has finally been reached on BRexit.  No one in the U.K. either for or against likes the final draft.

 Got home from Panera at 1200, quick shower and then lunch.  At 1300 I headed for my appointment with the Sleep Doctor.  I have sleep apnea.  I started with a CPAC machine but disliked it.  I made some adjustments in my sleep environment like purchasing a wedge pillow and not sleeping on my back.  These slight changes seem to have worked.  Nancy says I no longer snore or stop breathing during sleep.  I told this to the Physician’s Assistant and she said to continue with this routine.  Made an appointment for next year.
At home I started the laundry and took out the trash and recyclables.  I did find time for a short nap.

Nancy got home at 1630.  She said despite the bright sun attendance was very light.  Everyone must be deer hunting.

Quick dinner and at 1800 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Small crowd tonight for lecture three on the Historical Jesus.  Pastor Dan substituted for Pastor Bob.  Nancy said she was impressed with  Pastor Dan’s handling of the Q/A session after the lecture.

At home we watched the final episode of the Bodyguard.  I liked the show.  Temps will reach the low 20s tonight.

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