Saturday, November 3, 2018

Friday November 2, 2018

Friday November 2, 2018

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up with 0615 alarm.  The temperature was 39 but no rain or wind today.

After breakfast I unlocked the Bad Boy bike and found I had a flat tire.  Bummer!  Unlocked the Bianchi, pumped up the tires and headed out.  Started at 0800 so I rode 18 minutes before sunrise.  Next week I will be riding in daylight.

Today at the Y I saw Dr Santos and Dr Yurko.  Both docs have me as a patient.  I think it is good that Docs can take a day off.  In my youth Doctors worked 24/7.  

This and that;

During my youth mom would fix “cornmeal mush” for lunch.  The mush was in the shape of a burger and mom would fry them.  I put maple syrup on mine.  Great cold weather lunch.  Do mother’s still make cornmeal mush?

Talking about mush only four more days of negative political ads.  Most folks will be glad when the elections are over.

The first time I was old enough to vote in an election was 1960.  JFK vs RMN.  It was an exciting time for me.  Everyone watched the first presidential TV debates.  I voted for Nixon.

The trial over Harvard’s admittance procedures is over.  The only take away from this trial is that white heterosexual males don’t have a chance.

After lunch I loaded the Bad Boy and headed to Ada Bike.  They were not busy so they changed the tire in less than 10 minutes.  

Spent some time in office.  No nap today because at 1600 we are heading to the Christmas Sale at the Gardens.  Today the sale is for volunteers only.  It opened at 1600.  Big crowd,  Nancy bought several Christmas ornaments.  I bought Christmas cards and a pack of paper placemats that had a Normal Rockwell winter scene.  We stayed about an hour.

For dinner we stopped at Bravo, an Italian restaurant.  The place was noisy and crowded.  We both ordered spaghetti and meatballs.  Very good.

We arrived home at 2000.  Watched an episode of Endeavor before turning in.

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