Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tuesday November 13, 2018

Tuesday November 13, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Today I got up with the 0615 alarm.  It was cold and spitting snow when we went out.  It was 28 and the high temp today will not get above freezing.

Good news today for the first time since her surgery Nancy is going swimming.  I am glad because Nancy is a great swimmer and swimming is great exercise for us old folks.

After breakfast I got on my winter bike and headed out.  It was snowing and the snow was beginning to stick on the trails.  Today I took the shorter, 5 mile, route to the Y.   The 15 mph wind had dropped the wind chill to low teens.  BRR.

Followed my normal routine, calisthenics and a walk.  Lately I have been trying to walk at a 20’ per mile pace.  Today I walked 0.6 miles at this pace with little pain.

This and that

I always enjoyed this time of year in my youth.  High School football season was over.  I could not play hockey until Thanksgiving when it got cold enough for the lake to freeze.  I had a chance to get caught up on my school work.  After school I would work at my Dad’s office for several hours and make some money.  Very relaxing time.

The very best winter activity is playing pond hockey with your friends.  No rules, just fun!

When I ride my bike on these cold days I put my phone in my pant’s front pocket.  I notice that about noon by phone’s battery is nearly discharged.  I get a warning message.  Several minutes on the charger and it is back to 90%.  I think the cold discharges the battery.  Today I put the phone in a warm interior pocket.

Comic books are back in the news with Stan Lee’s death.  I loved comic books.  I always looked forward to my monthly issue of Looney Tunes.  I was also a fan of Captain Marvel and Batman.

Got home at 1230, quick shower and then lunch.  Nancy and I headed out to Fox Ford to pick up the Taurus.  Nancy then headed to Kohl’s and I drove to the Apple Store.

The tech at Apple checked my phone’s battery.  It is working at 91%.  Apple does not recommend replacing the battery until it reaches 78%.  Bottom line, when riding bike I should store my phone in a warm place.

On my way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank.   Made some transfers and got cash for Kim who cleans on Friday.

I have been writing about gloomy November.  On this evening news the weather man said we will have sun tomorrow.  In fact we will have more hours of sun than in the previous 13 days.

On this day November 13, 1938 in Ossineke, Michigan.  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote;  it was Sunday, the Ossineke Methodist Church’s collections were $11.80 and eight folks attended the service.  Apparently not many Methodists in Ossineke.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup and a hot dog for dinner.  Tonight we watched NCIS and Bull.  Sun with cold for tomorrow.

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