Friday, November 23, 2018

Thursday November 22, 2018

Thursday November 22, 2018

Blog time 1045 Friday sitting in living room

First went out at 0615.  It was cold, mid 20s.

Went back to bed and slept until 0730.  I am getting to like this sleeping in.


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is a family holiday.

I have many fond memories of Thanksgiving.  In our 53 years of marriage Nancy and I have never been apart for Thanksgiving.  I am really thankful for that.  Together we have had Thanksgiving dinner in Redwood City, Ca, Terre Haute, Ind, Alpena, Mi, Santa Clara, Ca and Grand Rapids.  All were memorable.

I have spent three Thanksgivings away from family.  All were while I was in the Navy;  1961 Pearl Harbor Navy Base, 1962 Midway Island Naval Base and 1963 at Saigon, Vietnam.

Growing up our family always spent Thanksgiving at my Scott Grandparent’s farm, Hubbard Lake, Mi.  About 30 family members were in attendance.  We had several turkeys and all the traditional foods, including pumpkin pies.

Late in the afternoon my Aunt Bernice would play the piano and we would sing hymns.  Great memories!

This morning I wanted a cup of coffee so I headed to Meijer’s.  Filled the Escape up and bought coffee for Bob and Nancy.  Had my normal breakfast and took a short walk.

Nancy was busy fixing our big feast.  I did participate by stuffing the turkey.  

Debbie wants to become a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.  In order to become a member you must prove a direct line to a member of the Revolutionary army.

I got out the Sanborn genealogy book that my Dad had given me.  I had created a Sanborn family tree using My Heritage software.  All I had to do was find which Sanborn was in the RA.  It really was not difficult because the genealogy book had a special section on RA members.  Bingo! I found Mark Sanborn, born 04 Mar 1750 in Hampton, NH served.  Mark Sanborn is Debbie’s Great Great Great Great Grandfather.  Note that Mark has the same birth date, 04 Mar as my mother.

Debbie opened the DAR website and found Mark Sanborn’s name on the list of RA veterans.  Bottom line:  Debbie, Melissa, Alessandra and my sister Helen can apply for membership.  I will email anyone the family tree.

Our Thanksgiving dinner was great.  Turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, green beans, crescent rolls, cranberry sauce and of course pumpkin pie.  As a special treat Nancy fixed me Acorn squash.  Great meal.

A sure sign I am getting old I only watched a several minutes of the Lions game.  Speaking of the Lions Thanksgiving game I went to college with a lot of guys from Detroit.  Most had a family tradition of attending the game.  My classmate with his father, uncles and cousins would attend the game.  The women would stay home preparing the meal.  So after the game the guys would come home to a big meal.  Think this guy only tradition would happen now.  No Way!

Today we heard from Stephen and family and also Melissa and AJ.  

This evening we watched an episode of Agatha Raisin before turning in.

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