Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Monday November 19, 2018

Monday November 19, 2018

I am getting so I don’t need an alarm.  Today I got up one minute before the alarm.  The temperature was 28 when stepped out but no wind.

Nancy has a class at MVP and later she might have to drive Kathi Kothe to PT.  Her busy day will continue when we have to pick up Debbie at the airport.  Her flight gets in at 2315.

After breakfast I have to decide if I should take the winter bike or my Bad Boy.  Even though the pavements appear dry I decided on the winter bike because I might encounter an icy patch.  Took the flat 7 mile route to the Y.

Normal routine at the Y.  I was surprised that the Y was not busy.  Folks leaving early for Thanksgiving?

This and that:

I think it is impossible for us folks outside CA to realize the devastation from the recent fires.

Folks miles away from the fires are impacted by the smoke.  Schools are closed and outdoor athletic events are cancelled, even the Cal/Stanford football game.

The smoke generated by the fires negates all the efforts by CA to limit carbon emissions.  Allowing logging will remove fuel for future fires.  I could never understand the objection to logging.  After all trees are renewable.  Dead trees are fuel for fires.

POTUS has to quit calling his political opponents names.  It is just plain wrong and reflects poorly on the office of President.  Show a little class President Trump, did you forget everything you were taught in Kindergarten.

After lunch Nancy and I ran some errands.  First stop was Walmart where I returned some bottle and Nancy bought fizzy water.

Next we stopped at Meijer’s.  I bought cheese and Nancy purchased soft drinks.  Final stop was Sam’s Club where we purchased some Pinconning soft cheese.  Best soft cheese in the world.

After dropping Nancy off I headed to Ada Bike shop.  I had left some tires and tubes and today picked them up.  Also bought a tire pressure gage.

I took a short nap before dinner.  After the dishes I fixed Nancy’s evening snack.  We watched another episode of Michael Douglas’s show on netflix followed by The Tunnel on Prime.  

At 2030 we headed to the airport to pick up Debbie.  Dropped Nancy off at the terminal and Ms P and I parked in the cell phone lot.  Debbie’s plane was 20 minutes late.  I guess it took time to deice in Chicago.

Great to see Debbie.  Nancy fixed her a ham sandwich.  We talked until 0100.  

Speaking of family Nancy got a text from son Stephen today.  It was a pleasant surprise.  Steve wanted some Thanksgiving recipes.  Nancy complied.  Steve your Mom loved the fact that you contacted her.  Don’t be a stranger.  My son, Steve, likes to cook at trait he did not inherit from his father.

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