Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Monday November 26, 2018

Monday November 26, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera

It was snowing hard when I went out at 0615.  I shoveled our courtyard walk.  Snow depth about 1.5”.  The Condo’s snow plowers had not arrived.

Nancy headed to a class at MVP.  I was glad our cars have AWD because Tahoe Drive had not been plowed.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  Note, I don’t mentioned stretches anymore.  I stopped doing the stretches several weeks ago and my hip feels better.  I wasted all that money on PT.

After breakfast I bundled up and shoveled the court yard walk again.  The Condo’s snow removal crew had salted our drive but did not plow.  

It took me 20 minutes to walk to Panera.  It was snowing hard with a stiff, 15 mph, wind out of the north.  

This and that;

I think immigration is great for our country.  However,  there must be rules and I think the immigrants storming the border fences should be stopped.  Most should be let in but through an orderly process.

At 1500 today a Space Craft will land on Mars.  Exciting stuff!

The Russian Navy’s move against Ukraine should create alarm in Europe.   The Russians think they can move without push back from the EU.

Will BRexit finally be approved?

The stock market goes down and then up.  Does anyone understand how this monster works?

POTUS still wants to build his wall.  This is a stupid idea.

I still don’t understand bitcoins.

When I was in high school if you earned a letter in a sport you put it on a letter sweater or jacket.  I proudly wore my letter sweater and jacket.  I have not seen any young folks wearing a sweater or jacket.  Do schools still give letters?

It was tough walking through snow on my way home from Panera.  I just purchased some new snow boots and they seem to work well in snow.

No aerobics so far today so when I got home I rowed 10 minutes on the Concept 2 rower.  Rowing is good aerobics.  My watch app says my average heart rate for a 10 minute row is between 130 and 140.  Most experts say us old folks must do some exercise to elevate our heart rate.

Shower and then lunch.  At 1400 I drove to my dentist, Tom Lambert, for a cleaning and checkup.  Everything was ok.  Doc said see you in May.

We had over four inches of snow fall since our drive was salted this morning.  It took several tries for me to get up the drive.  I called the maintenance company and expressed my frustration with their lack of effort plowing drives.  Thirty minutes later our drive was plowed.  The squeaking wheel gets the grease.

I ended the afternoon with a nap.  Quick dinner and at 1830 Nancy and I headed to the Gardens.  We attended a members only viewing of the Christmas lights.  Free food and a cash bar was provided.  I had a wine and Nancy sampled their desserts.

The Christmas decorations were great.  A highlight was decorated trees from many countries.   The lights along the entrance drive were spectacular.

We got home at 2100.  Watched an episode of the Michael Douglas Netflix show before turning in.

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