Monday, November 12, 2018

Sunday November 11, 2018

Weekend Update for WE 11Nov

Blog time 1545 on Sunday the 11th at 1545

Saturday November 10, 

The alarm goes off at 0615.  I went out and saw an accumulation of snow.  I guessed about 1.5”.  The temperature was 28.

In addition to the cold, the snow would make walking difficult.  Tahoe had not been plowed but no problem for an AWD.  We drove to Panera for breakfast.  Today I had earned a free bowl of oatmeal.  The place was empty.  We spent over an hour laying out our plans for both this weekend and the holidays.

The Taurus is still at Fox Ford waiting for a new tire.  We expected a call some time today telling us to pick up the car.  It never happened.

Nancy started the laundry and I read the papers.  At 1100 Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  I picked up the Bianchi.  It has new steel studded snow tires and a new front disc brake.  I now have a good winter bike with good traction and great stopping power.  I rode the bike home and was pleased with its ability to move through snow covered trails.

At home showered and dressed for this evening.  Tonight we are attending a Pop’s concert.  It is called Simply Sinatra.  The music of Frank Sinatra.

We left home at 1800.  We did not have reservations for dinner but the Boars Head had seating.  We both had a sandwich.  I also had a wine.

The concert was great.  The singer and his band which was backed up by the GR Symphony performed all the Sinatra favorites.  Of course both Nancy and I knew the words to every song.  We were disappointed at all the empty seats.

We got home a little after 2200.  We both had a soft drink before heading to bed.

Sunday November 11, 2018;  The 100th anniversary of the WW I Armistice, thus the name Armistice Day.  In my youth 11/11 was called Armistice Day and always celebrated on 11/11.  It is a national holiday.  The name was changed in 1954 to Veteran’s Day.

The roads were dry so Nancy and I could enjoy our Sunday morning walk around the block.  We had a deer run across our path.  Watching the deer made my day.

After breakfast I made a quick run to Panera for coffee.  We left home for Trinity Lutheran at 0840.  The new renovated Celebration Hall has a common meeting area.  It is very warm and pleasant.  Today free samples of recipes from the church cook book were provided.

The Church recognized Veterans today.  All veterans had to stand for a special recognition.  Today’s Homily dealt with the rich folks sharing resources.  I think Pastor Bob’s hidden message is we should heavily tax the rich.

After church we headed to Kohl’s.  Nancy bought several pair of pants on sale.  Next stop was Trader Joe’s for wine and several frozen dinners.  Finally we stopped at Meijer’s for weekly supplies.  Gas today had dropped to $2.54 per gallon.

I read several sections of the GRP before lunch.  After lunch took a quick nap.  At 1600 we headed to Houlihan’s for their free Veteran’s Day meal.  I had the fish and chips.  Nancy had a bowl of soup.  We were home by 1730.

This weekend we FaceTimed with Missy and AJ and on Sunday Nancy FaceTimed with Alessandra.  Last night we visited with Debbie and got caught up.  Debbie is spending Thanksgiving in GR.  

We watched 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix for another episode of Bodyguard.  I am hooked on this show.

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