Monday, November 26, 2018

Sunday November 25, 2018

Weekend Update, blog time 1735 Sunday sitting in living room

Saturday November 24

Both Debbie and I had set our alarms for 0600.  Don’t want Debbie to miss her flight.

It was mild, high 30s, and misting when first went out.  Took Debbie to airport at 0700.  Not much traffic but I did notice that the airport parking lots were full.  I assume folks will fly back to GR on Sat and Sunday.

Stopped at home and picked up Nancy.  Because of the rain we drove to Panera.  Panera was empty.  We had our standard Saturday breakfast.

After Panera we drove to Kohl’s.  Once again I was surprised that Kohl’s was empty.  Nancy was able to purchase several items.

Last night I spilled wine on my favorite Irish fisherman sweater.  This morning I took the sweater and several other sweaters to the dry cleaners.  

After lunch I put on my rain gear and took a 30 minute walk.  I had to get my 30 minutes outdoors.  Did you get your 30’?

I did take a nap and spent time in office reading Saturday’s papers.  I also watched some of the UM/OSU game.  What a disaster!

For dinner we headed to JT’s for a ham and pineapple pizza.  We were surprised that JT’s was empty.  Folks must be staying home and eating leftovers.

This evening we watched several shows on Netflix and Prime.  Took Ms P out at 2200 and it was still raining.  

Sunday November 25, 2018

Up at 0615 and Nancy and I got ready for our Sunday morning walk around the block.  The rain had finally stopped and the temperature was a mild 40.  This morning’s walk was exactly 1.5miles.

At home I changed into my church clothes.  I don’t know why I call them church clothes because today most folks wear jeans.  Now days folks don’t have a “go to meeting” wardrobe.  In my youth, men wore a suit and tie and women wore dresses and hats.  Times have changed.

From the “this is scary file”; when Nancy and I got in the Escape and started the drive to Trinity Lutheran my watch texted me a message.  It said it was an 11 minute drive to 2700 Fulton and recommended a route.  How did it know I was heading to Trinity, let alone the church’s address.  I don’t know if I want my movements stored on someone’s data base.  Almost like a Police State.

Once again church was very crowded.  I like the informal format of the Celebration service while Nancy likes the traditional service in the Sanctuary.  We might have to split up.

After church we headed to Rite Aid in Gaslight Village.  They had Fiber One cereal on sale, two for one.  We bought six boxes.  I put the cereal on my noontime yogurt.

Next stop was Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $2.14 per gallon.  Meijer’s was not crowded.

Performed some mild calisthenics before lunch.  After lunch I read several sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.  Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs, with bacon and spinach pie.  Great meal.  

We watched sixty minutes before switching to Prime.  Nancy headed to bed early and I stayed up and watched a Finnish Crime show on Netflix.  The show’s dialogue was in Finnish with English sub titles.  

We have had Winter Storm Warnings on TV most of the evening.  It was snowing when took Ms P out at 2200.

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